Thursday, August 27, 2009

Special Places

Sometimes as I row in my lake, I am reminded of special places I've been. There is an inlet where the water is glassy-flat, and the trees seem to grow directly from the depths of the lake. Birds chatter, cicadas chirp, dragonflies fly. This little spot takes me back to a fabulous trip we took to Alabama, of all places! We used a timeshare at Orange Beach, and I googled kayaking in Orange Beach -- Beachnriver popped up. What an incredible adventure we had! We were the owners' very first customers ever, and we couldn't have been happier. We were a little nervous about kayaking into the depths of the bajou, where every floating log was a gator and every hanging vine a poisonous snake, but as you can see by the ridiculous photo at the above link, we were crazy about the place! We even went back the next day to do it again! Hopefully I've learned to buckle my pfd correctly!

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered this blog post (I don't know how I got here --- I have much to learn re: internet links and such) and was happy to learn you had such a memorable kayaking experience floating with BeachnRiver Kayak Rentals on the Bon Secour River --- just minutes from the beaches of Gulf Shores, AL. Because you were our very first "search engine" kayakers you were featured in my BeachnRiver Openzine magazine. Guests like you and your family make our business fun and rewarding. I am now a "follower" of your "Rowing Grand" blog and will enjoy reading of your many adventures. I thank you for taking the time to write such a wonderful review on Google Maps and I invite you to follow and share your experience(s) with BeachnRiver Kayak Rentals on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.
